Hair Nymphs

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Shimmy Cricket

Here's a fly I've had interest in for some time. It's been lurking in my mind since I first saw it, and this morning I tried tying one.

It's called, "The Shimmy Cricket," and it is essentially a diver-floater. It's reminiscent of the classic "Flatfish" line of baits, in that it is supposed to wiggle when retrieved.
Others do the same; "The Wiggle Minnow" comes to mind, for example.
If you've never tried anything like this, it's a treat. I've fished Flatfish in the past, and there is no other lure quite like them. As long as you get the retrieve speed right, they wobble and wiggle and stir up a huge vibration as they pass through the water.
The Shimmy Cricket is intended to do the same. Cast it out and let it settle. Twitch it, bump it and take up slack. Then .... give it a good long pull. It should dive under the surface and wobble forward, then slowly rise back to the surface when you stop. All the while the legs are waving seductively around. Just figure out the proper speed and you're good to go.
Any fish in the vicinity is bound to take notice.... well, that's the idea, anyway.
I had some foam scraps, and a bunch of #6 Aberdeen hooks handy, so here it is.

Pattern: Shimmy Cricket
Materials Used:

- #6 Aberdeen hook (2x long light wire)
- Red thread
- Red Mr. Peacock dubbing
- Black craft foam body
- Patterned sili-legs; these are, "fish-scale glitter.'
The construction starts at the rear and works forward in the basic manner.
This body is tapered head to tail, but a simple rounded tail is the original style.
The pictures should help you see how it goes together.
Here and there, tiny applications of Super Glue bind things
In this size, it should span the Bass-Bluegill lap pretty well. If you don't know that THAT is, well, check this out from friend Skip Morris: Bass - Bluegill Lap The Shimmy Cricket is a very unique surface fly that is worth trying if you like that kinda thing. And who doesn't like that kinda thing? Thanks for reading, and Tight Lines, David Palemtto Fly N Fish Feedback? Opinions? Observations? Feel free to leave a comment, and don't forget to visit us at: Palmetto Fly n Fish © All Rights Reserved

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