Hair Nymphs

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Little Bitty Poppers

Here's a trio of mini-poppers, awaiting their chance to work. The coin, a U.S. quarter dollar, is for scale.

Did I say they are mini-size? Oh, yes!

Poppers are possibly the most popular type of surface fly, at least here in the US.
There are many surface flies, from microscopic dry flies to big snake patterns.
But I’ll wager the “popper” has most of them beat for sheer usage numbers.
These are about a size 8, and compared to "normal size" panfish bugs, they are perhaps half as big.

These little guys came from friend and "Palmetto Fly 'n Fish" group member Mark Fishburn, Jr., as part of a goody box he sent… which also included a like-new Redington Crosswater combo. 
Mark feeds my addiction for fishing goods from time to time, for which I am eternally grateful. But more on that some other day.

According to my notes at the time, Mark got 75 of these mini-poppers for $15. He sourced them from one of the China-direct sellers, like aliexpress.com.
That's twenty cents each, and they came in a wide array of colors.

Today, that has changed. 

You can still get them, but, I've noticed a couple things:

1. They are not as readily available as they were a few seasons ago.
Tastes change, and the manufacturers shift their production around to what people buy a lot of of. If it isn't these, they fall out of availability.

2. Like everything else, the prices are higher. From what I've seen lately, the price has easily doubled, as of this writing.

Still.... that's not a bad deal when you consider what you'll pay for ONE of these in a blister pack with a few feathers added, and some "name-brand" on the package.
Flies are getting up to $4 each these days; I’m betting some of them are these very same ones, repackaged.
Hmmm, maybe I’m in the wrong business.

...when the fish want to feed up to the surface,
they will smack these mini-poppers 

What you get with these is a pretty substantial hook, with a pre-painted, hard foam popper body attached... and that's it.
The opening picture shows them with dressing, but they come as the raw poppers...

You purchase the basic body and hook, as seen above..., before anyone has added dressing, a popular label name, and a big price tag.

This means you can do whatever you want to adorn them.

That's a good thing.

For example, if you're not a "fly tyer," or you're a beginner, or maybe just want to try your hand at it - these are ideal.
A few feathers or some fur tied to the rear, and that's about all they really need.
On the other hand, if you tie your own flies, these are a blank canvas for your creativity.

In this case, well, you can see what I did to them.
Some are adorned with calf tail and rubber legs, still another has hackle and big "muscular" feather legs.
Because these usually come plainly painted with a single color, and an eye, I used some indelible marking pens to give them a camo pattern.
I hope it is somewhat lifelike….. but it doesn’t really matter if it isn’t.
Seriously, anyone can do this.

Casting these little things couldn't be easier - they don't hang in the air on the cast, and they pretty much go where you point them.
A little twitch of the rod tip, and some sit-and-wait is about all you need to work them in the water and catch fish. Pretty simple.

The truth is, I've used these, or something like them, over a good many seasons. They've been around for ages.
In fact, I have some that I've been using as long as I can recall; I'm not even sure where I got them. When they get tattered, I just replace the worn out dressing and the thing goes back into action!
So they hold up pretty well, too, as a rule.

In the end, what you'll find is that when the fish want to feed up to the surface, they will smack these mini-poppers.
We can say that about most any popper, of course,... and aint that what it's really all about?  

I bring them to you, today, because they are cute, colorful and fun for anyone, especially the guy who wants to try his hand at the vise... plus, they work!

And that's also a good thing.

Thanks for reading and, Tight Lines!

Palmetto Fly n Fish
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