School Is Out For A Day
January 15, 2023
The kids in our area got off school for Martin Luther King Day this week, and I got the babysitting job.
So, lets be clear when I say, "babysitting" - That's two grandkids, for the whole day, ages 7 and 13. This is not as dire as it sounds - I pick them up after school and look after them for a few hours most afternoon's anyway. So I'm used to it.
It's part of my retirement plan, you might say.
But the question always arises with kids: "What are we gonna do?"
My grandson (age 13), he's a quiet guy who is happy to play video games all day.
But my granddaughter, Hannah (age 7) - she's the polar opposite and ready for action, all the time!
And today this meant a trip to the lake, to see what's doing.
January 15, 2023
The kids in our area got off school for Martin Luther King Day this week, and I got the babysitting job.
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So, lets be clear when I say, "babysitting" - That's two grandkids, for the whole day, ages 7 and 13. This is not as dire as it sounds - I pick them up after school and look after them for a few hours most afternoon's anyway. So I'm used to it.
It's part of my retirement plan, you might say.
But the question always arises with kids: "What are we gonna do?"
My grandson (age 13), he's a quiet guy who is happy to play video games all day.
But my granddaughter, Hannah (age 7) - she's the polar opposite and ready for action, all the time!
And today this meant a trip to the lake, to see what's doing.
Every trip to the lake involves picking up other people's trash, because, well, the general public are slobs. Yes, I said it.
"Trash Babboons," I call 'em.
We might be picnicking, fishing, or swimming at the lake, but we make it a point to pick up some of the garbage others carelessly toss down. Its a habit of mine, and it's one I've instilled in these kids:
But in winter, the water is down and the shoreline is exposed - and that means scavenging for Loot, as well as cleaning up.
Today we got a few gleanings from the lakeside Treasure Chest.
"Trash Babboons," I call 'em.
We might be picnicking, fishing, or swimming at the lake, but we make it a point to pick up some of the garbage others carelessly toss down. Its a habit of mine, and it's one I've instilled in these kids:
"Others are trashy slobs, but we set a better example"
But in winter, the water is down and the shoreline is exposed - and that means scavenging for Loot, as well as cleaning up.
Today we got a few gleanings from the lakeside Treasure Chest.

The Loot, dumped out
That's a small barbeque grill on top.
"Dang," says Hannah, "...people are slobs leaving this in the bushes."
I was proud of her.
The grill is gone and the Loot is sorted.
The gnarly feminine hygiene products on the right were the first to go in the trash.

The Loot, part 3
After the clean up, from left, clockwise:
1 - bank stick rod holder
1 - wad of poly bailing twine (I'm a cordage geek)
1- flattened bobber, still functions
1- wire leader with weedless hook attached
1- Flat steel clamp
1- S hook
(I'm also a hardware geek)
1- Teensy Torpedo prop bait
1 - #6 Aberdeen hook
1- Soft plastic worm, well soaked
(The worm was threaded on a large baitholder hook with massive swivel, as if it was a nightcrawler)
NOTE: No tackle was harmed in the making of this blog post. All of it can be re-used.
It's a dinky little thing - The Heddon Torpedo is one of my favorite topwater lures, and this one is micro-size!
This soft plastic worm (green pumpkinseed) was all curled up on the hook, but I boiled it in hot water for a few minutes and it straightened right out. Another Frankenworm, resurrected!
They say this sort of day is, "making memories" - that the kids will always remember such times, long after we are gone. And I reckon they are right; I know I enjoy them and will remember it fondly.
There are many kinds of treasures to be found, I guess.
And, no, that's not a tear in my eye....
Palmetto Fly n Fish
Again, thanks so much for reading, and...
Tight Lines,
David Hutton
© All rights reserved, David Hutton/Palmetto Fly N Fish 2024
And, no, that's not a tear in my eye....
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Thanks for reading. It is said that writers should always strive for a job well done... even half-baked ones like me. So if you found value in this article, please like, comment, and share it.
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Palmetto Fly n Fish
Again, thanks so much for reading, and...
Tight Lines,
David Hutton
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