Hair Nymphs

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Fly Fishing Show Atlanta: The Pilgrimage

Feb 4, 2022
Gas South Arena, Duluth, GA

Distance: 200 miles
$5 parking fee
$15 Cover Charge

The Trip
It starts to rain. Wet, sloppy rain...the kind of weather that makes you question the wisdom of taking a 200 mile drive.
But then you look at each other and ask, "How many fly fishing shows do we get around here, after all?!
And i
t's only rain... we can always turn around.
Besides, you'll never catch a fish - or see a fly fishing show - if you wait on the weather."

So we pull up our collars, hop in the truck, and head west from Lexington, SC

At the wheel is Don Schmotzer.

Don has his own airplane, a classic, 1948 Luscombe. And he drives his truck like he's flying the plane. 

Our Pilot

As we motor along, he keeps up a steady commentary about the route conditions, time to next turn, distance traveled, trucks half a mile ahead, fuel consumed per hour, and so on... its very comforting to ride with someone with that much situational awareness.

As for me, well, I didn't realize it's almost 3 hours to Atlanta from Columbia, SC. 

I take liberal piss breaks when I drive...but pilots don't have that luxury when in the air, and they don't...  so, lemme just say, if you ever plan to ride along with someone who is a pilot, keep that in mind. 

The Arrival
"The Fly Fishing Show" goes around the country as a sort of promotional tent-show, bringing industry moguls, manufacturers, pitch men, travel brokers, and other players into one large venue.
The show's Atlanta stop is at the 
Gas South Arena, part of the "
Gas South District" - a 118-acre campus just outside of the city that accommodates events like concerts, trade shows, conventions, etc.

Being two old country dudes at heart, we get a little twitchy around this kinda big city venue.

Urban traffic crammed in like ants, notoriously bad Atlanta drivers, and paying to park in a cramped, 5-story parking garage - none of it is our cup of tea. 
Then, we're hit with a $15 entrance fee at the door.

Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, fly fishing is like anything else: you aint gettin' into it for free.

Whats Inside?
Once you enter the arena, you find 
a big open area, filled with booths and kiosks.
Two rectangular casting pools dominate the floor to each side of center.
All around, you see a lot of 
beards, logo ball caps, and tattoo'ed hipsters...., the cool dudes tellin' each other what they think they know about fishin'. 

Older, middle aged men 
mingle around the booths with the upstarts. They're sporting their regalia, too: khakis and $100 “technical shirts.” They're also talking fishing, but with less hormonal flow...theirs is a more studied, cerebral approach to this business.

The Hucksters are there, selling trips to faraway places.
Manufacturers offer an infinite variety of dazzling, slick rods and reels, all marked with "bargain" prices.
They have fly lines, of course, selling for $30... or $129; take your pick.
There's fly tying equipment, materials, fishing apparel, gadgets, and even boats. All at "show prices...." although you're never sure just what that means. 
But that doesn't matter, because this is a fly fishing extravaganza
Your eyes glaze over - you reach for your wallet. 

Further along, there is a big-screen tying demonstration, and down there, some guy with a headset is talking to the crowd about fly casting, while flailing away at the casting pool.
In the sub-title, I referred to this as a Mecca-like pilgrimage. But, in fact, this year's show was a shadow of it's former self - about 2/3 the size of previous years.
There was a slightly unfinished feel to the thing; thrown together at the last minute, maybe.
According to the event director that I spoke to, this isn't far off. There was a good bit of effort to get this much going.... the threat of another Covid lockdown hung over the planning, all the way to the deadline.

Throwin' flies and tellin' lies.

"We have flies and gear..."

Today's HOT deal is...

Lotsa technical advice is given..
"If you wanna catch purple spotted char and grackle-fish, you're gonna need that reel AND this one"

A gear geeks Nirvana

I don't know if I need it, but I'm sure I gotta have one

You say you want a fly tying vise?

What's that?... You want some tying materials to go with that vise?

Casting flies is easy - just do what I show you

For me, the best part of all this - the reason I really want to go - is the chance to meet different people.
Some I may only know from Facebook, or Youtube.
In other cases, its the chance to meet those I don't know - the famous, and not so famous alike.
I always pick up a few ideas, too, and swap my own BS with some genuine guru's in this business.

The fly tying instruction area has the
newcomers taken care of 

A younger lad learns the
finer points of casting, first hand. 


John Robbins, Ph.D, Carolina Fly Fishing Club

Tim Flagler, Tightline Video Productions

 Peggy Brenner
past President of International Women’s Fly Fishers

Son Tao, aka "Top," MSgt., United States Army
Aventuron Ambassador

@ Son_Tao 

Glen Populorum, all the way from Chicago-land!
self-employed automotive mechanic: Glen Populorum

An End...for now
By the time you see this, the Fly Fishing Show Atlanta will be in the books. It was great experience, although it brings the usual regret: I run my mouth so much, I inevitably miss many things - and some people. 
Sorry, Gerry Korzi.

But there's next year, God willing. 
So fingers crossed until then.

Thanks for reading.
I hope you liked this, I hope you leaned something, and I hope you'll share it with your friends

Tight Lines,

Palmetto Fly n Fish

Opinions? Feedback? Let it rip in the comments.
And don't forget to visit us on our Facebook group: 
Palmetto Fly N Fish

All rights reserved © 2022 David Hutton, Palmetto Fly N Fish

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