Hair Nymphs

Thursday, December 31, 2020


David Hutton
Palmetto Fly N Fish
Episode 98, 
Dec 31, 2020

I have a boat, and I use both public and private boat ramps to launch it.
I also fish around boat ramps at times, without launching my boat.
Peculiar, right? I have a boat - and I go to boat ramps - but I don't always take my boat to boat ramps.

Sometimes, I just want a simpler time of fishing without the intricacies of a boat.
On other days, I want to "run and gun," checking out 4 or 5 of the ramps around the lake.
My boat is more of a small skiff/pirogue, anyway, good for backwater fishing... but not well suited for those times I want to bring one of my rambunctious grand-children.

At times like these, I'll head to one of the many boat ramps in my area.

However, this isn't like sauntering up to some vacant shore and just throwing a line.
Boat ramps are multi-use facilities, and they are shared by many people intent on different pursuits. 
So, there are some distinct rules of etiquette to be observed that make the experience way more enjoyable.

And, because I love my readers, I want to avoid the usual, "DON"T DO THAT" kind of rules you often get when it comes to fishing.
Yes, dear friends, I want to be more encouraging than that.

So, I present, for your enjoyment, my... 


1. DO remain well clear of the ramps, to one side or the other.

2. DO reel in any lines you may have on the ramps when boats are approaching, launching and recovering.

3. DO remain well clear of the ramps when boats are approaching, launching and recovering.

4. DO move off the adjacent courtesy docks, when boats are approaching, loading or unloading.

5. DO remain clear of traffic lanes, ramp approaches, and parking aprons. 

NOTE: These "Do's" also apply to your pets, should you bring them along.

Boat ramps and their features are for motor vehicles and boats (some very large) to come and go, in and out of the water.
There may be features there for your comfort an convenience, but for your safety and that of others, you must stay well clear of these particular activities.

6. DO collect and remove ALL items you bring with you.

7. DO collect ALL TRASH you generate while on site, and place it in the proper receptacles, or take it with you.
This includes doggie poo.

8. DO collect and remove trash left behind by other, less considerate, users.

9. DO respect any of the features and amenities made available for your use by not damaging, defacing, or stealing them. 

10. DO keep all fires in approved fire pits or braziers, when provided.

Extinguish all ground fires with water, and cover the ashes with soil insofar as is possible.

11. DO consume the fish you legally catch, if you like.

DO take them home where you can clean and enjoy them. Never clean fish and leave their offal and/or remains behind at the site.

Never toss unwanted fish on the ground to rot - release them, if not keeping them.

12. DO know and follow all fishing regulations and catch and creel limits established by your states fish and game department.

Please practice good stewardship of the resources we all share and enjoy.

As promised, you'll see I encourage you to enjoy yourself, and to also show courtesy and common sense while doing so.
Who said you can't do all three?

Thanks so much for reading and Tight Lines...wherever you fish.

Palmetto Fly N Fish

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